Our triple win proposition
Concentrating on Greece’s energy transition, we work with project developers, investors, banks, and other stakeholders to execute ready-to-build project-based investments in infrastructure and technology.
We believe multiple structural factors are poised to drive rapid growth in the Greek market for Energy Transition:
Aggressive European Union targets for renewables adoption to be achieved by 2030 the goals are to become more ambitious following the ‘Fit for 55’ legislative initiative
A bold new energy transformation plan from the Greek government, targeting 35% of production from renewable sources by 2030 (compared to 20% in 2020), with upward adjustments following Fit for 55
High reliance on imports and outdated, high-polluting lignite coal plants (~50% of domestic energy production in 2019)
We see our triple-win proposition as:
Project developers expand their footprint and realize more, larger, and potentially more complex projects
Investors earn solid returns with no need to gain any country or sector expertise
The country and the economy benefit from the infrastructure we finance